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Xiaomi headphones and headsets. Review of Xiaomi Mi Sport Bluetooth Headset wireless headphones Design and comfort of wearing

Xiaomi Mi In Ear Headphones pro hd (Hybrid Pro HD) is the best budget headset for mobile phones. With a cost of $25, you will undoubtedly get the best headphone option.

Let's look at the tons of names that live around this headset.

And the confusion is such that I’ll pour 50 grams of bitters and go get a pickled cucumber to make it easier to explain. And I’ll try it literally on my fingers.

Firstly, there was a headset called Hybrid Pro, where these headphones also had the second name Hybryd Dual Drivers.

By the way, a little later I will write what “hybrid” and “dual drivers” mean.

Afterwards a new update is released, whose name is Hybrid Pro HD, True, Xiaomi decided to change the name and now there is a new name - Xiaomi Mi In-Ear Headphone Pro, which is almost what we need, but not everything yet.

And the last model released gets the name Xiaomi Mi In-Ear Headphone Pro HD, but some old believers also call them Xiaomi Hybrid Pro Hd. And it is she who already has 3 drivers. Below I will tell you what it is.

Phew, I’ll exhale the air from my chest, I think I explained.

Difficulties in the name affected many online stores. You won’t find anything there, all in order to confuse the buyer with their names.

There are a lot of postscripts here, HD and Pro and Hi-fi, it’s good that they don’t write Wi-Fi in order to confuse everything in the end.

In short, in an attempt to figure out what should be called in the end and how many models are currently on sale. We go to the site from Xiaomi

There is a Russian version, but alas, there is nothing there except the latest phone models.

We need the Chinese version of the official Xiaomi store. http://list.mi.com/17 If you look closely at the pictures, you will notice 2 models, one old hybrid and new hybrid pro hd (aka Mi In Ear Headphone pro hd). Among the Chinese characters, let's try to find visible differences.

The very first thing we will see is the price.

Old models are 99 yuan, new ones are 149. But the price may vary depending on where we buy. Let's find some more differences - visual ones.

This is the control panel. In the first version there are black square buttons, in the second there are separate round ones. Phew, let's exhale again and now we will understand how to 100% distinguish the model we need.

This model was the result of the company's first attempt to create headphones. Thanks to this, high-quality budget headsets were born. The power of the dynamic driver has been increased. By the way, since 2016, Xiaomi has been working with the 1More Designe studio, which is respected among music fans.

Mi In-Ear Headphone Pro HD has an additional dynamic driver. The audio system has 3 emitters - a reinforcement emitter and two dynamic drivers. Thus, at the end of the day you get a copy of the 1More Triple Driver headset, which costs $99.99 for a minute, but instead, a completely different product comes to the market, costing only 25 bucks.

What other drivers and fittings are we talking about?

A little bit of swearing to make it completely clear.

In order to hear the sound from the song on our phone, the sound from digital must turn into mechanical.

Digital sound is zeros and ones, either there is voltage or there is not. Voltage is supplied to the headphone driver - a special device for converting sound into mechanical sound.

Our headphones have 3 drivers installed:

  • Two dynamic.
  • One reinforcement.

Dynamic - is a membrane to which a magnetic coil (emitter) is connected, which is located in a magnetic field. When the voltage changes, the magnetic field changes, the coil moves, and after it there is an oscillation along the membrane.

Reinforcement, also known as anchor. This is a coil that looks like the letter P, inside which the armature is suspended and balanced in a magnetic field; when the voltage changes, the armature moves and transmits a “blow” to the membrane.

Any type of headphones has its drawbacks; through a combination of approaches, the disadvantages of headphones are reduced.


Xiaomi Hybrid Pro HD will surprise you, first of all, with its completeness. Here you don't have to open the usual cardboard box. The package includes:
1. Plastic case.

2. Holder.
3. 3 pairs of ear pads.
4. Fabric bag.

By the way, I will soon post the unboxing video right here (the video is currently being edited).

If you look at it from the other side, then, of course, this configuration option is not new for a long time and is found everywhere. But here’s the beauty: the softness of the ear pads has been significantly increased, but they remain dense at the base.

Therefore, the headphones in your ears will be even less noticeable to you. So, you can completely forget about them. The rubber holder is great for storing them.

Let me add that the packaging is very cool. I don’t know what other headset you can buy with a similar package, but they are very confused about the packaging of the product. She is cool.


The design of the model also attracts attention. Most of all, you should pay attention to the combination of practicality and appearance. They go together perfectly. So the back ear cup is covered with matte paint. This helps avoid multiple scratches. The minimal presence of plastic will be noticeable in the cold. Now your ears won't be so cold.
The wire is made with high quality. It does not harden in the cold and allows you to bend it as you like. Therefore, the headphones will last a long time. You will also notice a control “remote” on the wire. It turned out to be large and therefore convenient. The plug is straight. This will help avoid quick breakdowns.


We have already mentioned the armature driver several times. It gives the sound its own specificity. We tested the sound of the headphones on various devices and listened to all popular genres. Let's jump straight into genre diversity.
Metal lovers will love the headphones, as all guitar parts sound as detailed as possible. You will hear every sound. It is most effective to listen to tracks with a certain middle, that is, without any extreme coloring.

Hip-hop and rap will sound great thanks to the second dynamic driver. The bass sounds especially bright in the headphones. But that very middle also does not disappear anywhere.
Electonic music. Listening to electronic music gives the impression of three-dimensional sound. And this is the most important thing in electronic music. The main thing is that every sound is heard.

But jazz can probably be called the most familiar genre for the headset. The entire orchestra is produced in detail. You will hear not only the loud main instrument - the saxophone. Headphones will help you understand the compositions more deeply.

The same goes for classical music, which is a great pleasure with this headphone model.


  • Weight 17 grams.
  • Cable length 1.25 meters.
  • Rated power - 5 mega watts.
  • Resistance 32 Ohm
  • Sensitivity 98 dB, which means they are not very loud.
  • And frequency 20 - 40,000 Hertz


The new Mi In-Ear Headphone Pro HD headphones are distinguished, first of all, by the fact that the company managed to find a “golden mean” that will suit everyone. At the same time, everything is emphasized by the minimum price. For a quality headset, there's nothing more you could ask for. The model will definitely not disappoint music lovers.

And yes, this headset can be called one of the best in the category up to 2000 rubles.

You can buy it on the GearBest website their name there is Original Xiaomi In-ear Hybrid Earphones Pro.

Most recently, we recognized the Xiaomi Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro (aka Xiaomi Hybrid) as the best in-ear headphones worth up to 2,000 rubles. Last year, the manufacturer updated its line of headphones, and Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro went on sale HD(aka Xiaomi Hybrid Pro) and today we’ll try to figure out whether it’s worth paying the extra 300-500 rubles for this update. Looking ahead, I can immediately say that the changes turned out to be very ambiguous. But first things first.

(update from 01/21/2019):At the end of 2018, another update to the Xiaomi Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro 2 model appeared, which is easily distinguished by its black color. Unfortunately, the sound in them has become worse and we still suggest choosing from two old models: simply Pro and ProHD.

We deal with the zoo of names of the same models

Before going ahead, it's worth understanding the names of the headphones. Xiaomi loves to create confusion in its lineups, and in the case of headphones in general, it took and at some point renamed the models a couple of times. Now not only do they have almost the same name, but they also echo the old names. The situation is aggravated by the fact that in different stores, headphones can be called both new and old. As a result, it is not always easy to understand what kind of model is in front of us and how much it actually costs.

So, for the sake of order. First there was the Xiaomi Hybrid model (also known as Xiaomi Hybrid Dual Drivers, since this name reflected their design feature, plus sometimes they were also called Piston 4). Then the model was slightly updated and renamed Xiaomi Hybrid Pro. Later they were renamed as Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro. And when a radically updated version came out, an HD console was attached to it. As a result, the new model is now officially called Xiaomi Mi In-Ear Headphones ProHD.

The most interesting thing is that on both models, on the body of the headphones themselves there is the inscription HD Audio, which further confuses uninitiated users. Therefore, some sellers sell the old model as simply Hybrid Dual Drivers, and the new one as Hybrid Dual Drivers Pro, rightly believing that the Pro prefix reflects the essence of the changes much better.

Confused? Still would. Therefore, the easiest way to understand what kind of model is in front of us is to look at the control panel. The remote control with three separate buttons is a new and improved model. If these are three solid black buttons, we have an old model.

What's good about the old model?

The first Xiaomi Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro (let's forget about all the renaming for a moment) stood out for its very good price/sound ratio. Sound quality was achieved through the use of two so-called hybrid drivers (essentially two speakers). If you are uncomfortable reading a large text, then below is a 10-minute video telling about the same thing, only shorter. If text is more convenient for you and/or details are important, then welcome below.

A little theory, as they say, on your fingers. Frequencies are high, medium and low (bass). As a rule, a high-quality driver can work well only with two sets of frequencies out of three. Those. either high and mid, or mid and bass, etc. Drivers can be dynamic or reinforced. Reinforcement ones produce better sound, but due to the peculiarities of the technology (which, by the way, came from hearing aids), it works well at high and mid frequencies. But the bass is very bad there. Therefore, armature headphones, as a rule, are made with two drivers, so that a separate driver handles the bass.

But two drivers are very expensive. Therefore, Xiaomi (even with the correct pronunciation of the company there are obvious problems, because even the top officials at presentations manage to call it by different names), instead of the second armature driver, installed a cheaper dynamic one. As a result, theoretically, high and mid frequencies are audible in detail, and the bass is good due to the dynamic driver. Well, the price turned out to be nice. That's why we called them the best headphones under 1,500 rubles.

However, these headphones also had drawbacks - in terms of sound, they were not very balanced: high and low frequencies seemed to be raised, which is why the sound fell into a mess. Let's see if these problems are fixed in the next version.

What has changed in the new model

First of all, the price has changed. New headphones now cost 500 rubles more, i.e. very close to 2000 rubles. We'll see now whether this increase in price is fair. Well, let's start with the appearance and equipment.

The packaging of the new headphones has become larger (in the photo they are on the right and the contents of the box are pulled out).

Inside the box was a small plastic case, inside which were the headphones themselves and replacement ear pads. A plus for the new model is now a simple carrying case with the logo of 1More Design, a company that develops designs for Xiaomi. Having another brand on the package also brings confusion, which is why people often look for Xiaomi 1More headphones. This is not entirely true.

Thus, the equipment has noticeably improved - the old model in the box only had the headphones themselves and silicone tips sealed in a bag.

Now about the headphones themselves – they have remained virtually unchanged in appearance. The only exception is that the wires are connected to the headphones themselves slightly differently, the housing of the speakers has become matte instead of shiny, and the weight has increased a little - they began to use more metal in the headphones.

LeftoldheadphonesXiaomi Headphones Pro (theysame Hybrid Pro or Xiaomi Pro) . On right– new Hybrid HD

If you don't know, you will hardly notice the difference. Only the remote control has changed noticeably - finding individual buttons by touch has become much more convenient. Another change (for the worse) affected the cable itself. Previously it was in a nice braid, now it’s just regular rubber. By the way, just as the volume up buttons didn’t work on the iPhone, they still don’t work on the new version. Those. functionally nothing has changed.

LeftoldXiaomi Hybrid Dual Drivers, also known as Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro. On the right - new ones with an attachmentHD

About the main thing, about the sound

As you can see, external changes are minimal (except for the package itself and the remote control). The main changes took place “under the hood”. Judging by the presentation of the Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro HD model, Xiaomi has worked significantly on the dynamic driver. According to the authors, the headphones use a kind of double graphene membrane, which significantly improves the reproduction of low frequencies.

I must say that the bass has really improved. The old (or now it would be more correct to say, the younger model) bass was quite strong, and the bass was quite booming. Now the bass has become much less noticeable, and it seems that the detailing of other frequencies should have increased. However, in fact this did not happen. The sound now looks as if the bass was severely cut and the mids were turned up halfway. The same first Hybrid Dual Drivers have a richer, I would say, more colored sound. Which, damn it, comes through the booming bass.

In order not to be unfounded, I will give the so-called AFC (amplitude-frequency response) - a characteristic that clearly, without any subjectivity, shows the real capabilities of the headphones. First, let's look at the ideal frequency response for headphones of our type and sign in which part of the graph the bass, mid and high frequencies are located.

The top graph shows how ideal headphones should behave, playing music as is. The yellow dotted line is headphones for bass lovers, and the blue dotted line is “ears” that stick out vocals. For more detailed information, you can follow the article on doctorhead.ru, where these graphs were taken from.

Now let's look at what similar frequency responses look like for Xiaomi Mi Headphones Pro and Pro HD

The graph clearly shows how the bass in the first Xiaomi Pros was raised, and that in the new Pro HD they are reduced, and reduced along with the mid frequencies, which in previous HDs were responsible for subjectively pleasant vocals. Well, the graph clearly shows how any Xiaomi headphones behave at high frequencies, raising them to an unpleasant squeak. However, alas, this is a disease of almost any budget headphones.

At this point we could stop and simply recommend buying the old version of headphones, but this booming bass leads to the fact that on compositions that are difficult in terms of distinguishing low frequencies, such as the same “This is the new shift” by Marilyn Manson, the music generally merges into an indistinguishable mess. And here the HD version sounds objectively better. However, on jazz compositions like “Who will comfort me” by Melody Gardot, in the old “ears” we hear quite pleasant highs and mids, while the HD version of the headphones clearly cuts them.

Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem. The point is that in the version Pro HD There is a small hole under the tips that releases air in front of the low-frequency driver.

If you seal it, the headphones start to sound just like regular Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro. It is clear that in this case there is no point in overpaying for HD. However, the trick is that this hole is oval. And by sealing it partially (for example, halfway) or completely sealing it, but pricking 1-2 holes with a needle (precisely pricking so that the needle does not go inside and damage the membrane), you can achieve an increase in the bass level and a slight increase in the mids. In other words, you can physically, without an equalizer, adjust the sound of the headphones to suit you. In this case, the headphones sound quite decent.

By the way, if you pay attention to the photo, you can see how people are trying to solve the problems of ultra-high frequencies by partially covering the headphone output with adhesive tape. The effectiveness of this method personally seems doubtful to me. However, everyone's ears are different, it helps some.

Why you shouldn't buy Pro2 (updated 01/21/2019)

At the end of 2018, Xiaomi introduced an update to its Pro headphones, adding the index “2” to them. The headphones are black and have an L-shaped plug. Otherwise, the appearance has remained virtually unchanged, and the main difference now lies in the sound. It’s interesting that from now on the headphones are made not by a third-party company, 1More, which was previously responsible for hybrids, but by some internal division. And apparently this unit still has to learn and learn.

So, what happened to the sound? Imagine taking a song and using equalizer to stretch out the vocals. As a result, the voice sounds great, but the music in the background loses some of the detail. Moreover, this seems to be the same Pro series, characterized by strong bass. However, it got worse here too, because the bass became noticeably “dirtier” and less detailed.

Thus, these headphones should be considered not as a step forward, but as marking time and even half a step back. Therefore, if you are just looking at purchasing, it is better to prefer older models. We categorically do not recommend the new Pro 2 and in the following article we pretend that they simply do not exist.

Additional improvement in ear fit and sound quality

Since both models are budget, the included ear pads (silicone tips) are of very, very mediocre quality. As a result, the headphones stay in my ear very poorly. Because of this, both comfort and sound quality suffer.

Luckily, there is such a thing as replaceable memory foam tips. You take the earphone in your fingers, squeeze it, and while it slowly straightens back, you stick it into your ear. As a result, the nozzle is shaped exactly to fit your ear canal, providing excellent sound insulation.

The most famous manufacturer of such foam ear pads is Comply. There is a section on their website that allows you to select the size of nozzles for specific models. From it we learn that our model is suitable for attachments with index 200 and that such a set will cost $20 for three pairs.

Fortunately, foam tips are not the most difficult thing and a search on Aliexpress for t200 (4 mm diameter) makes it easy to find an offer of 60 rubles per pair. Since our headphones are Chinese, we will also take the tips from China.

What do we get for 60 rubles. The tips fit perfectly and work exactly as they should - expanding in the ear and “sealing” the ear canal.

As a result, the headphones hold up very well. And musical details become audible much better. On forums of other headphones they often say that such foam tips change the sound somewhat (allegedly the upper ones are slightly cut), but I did not notice this. All the advantages and disadvantages of both headphones can be heard in the same way. Except that now they can be heard better.

As for the disadvantages of the foam tips themselves, they only have one - the ear pads quickly get dirty and fail. The lifespan, depending on the intensity of use, is about 2-3 months. In fact, these are consumables with a very low cost.


Both models, Pro and ProHD, are far from ideal, but for such a price you can forgive them a lot. All that remains is to choose which model is right for you. Therefore, if you are a fan of heavy or electronic music, if you like bass, you really really like it, take simple Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro for 1000-1200 rubles (now it’s a sales period and you can get them for a completely ridiculous 800 rubles). In addition, you will receive clearly distinguishable and uncut frequencies of other ranges (problems only with the midrange). Well, the price is more than reasonable.

Pro2 - as already mentioned in the corresponding section, we do not recommend it, unless you are a fan of audiobooks. This is where voice highlighting comes in handy.

If your phone is Android and has Root

If your phone is Rooted, then the sound of the device can be “adjusted” to the headphones. To do this, firstly you need to install ViPER4Android FX (V4A), global system equalizer. Then install the profiles from this message on the 4pda website.

Xiaomi is a popular electronics manufacturer that offers consumers high-tech gadgets that can compete with the products of such giants as Apple and Samsung. One of the products that is loved by users from all over the world is the Xiaomi Piston headphones. This gadget successfully combines advanced technologies, impeccable sound quality, reliable materials, ergonomics, stylish design and affordable cost.
Xiaomi Piston headphones can be purchased both for use with mobile devices of the same name, and for use with any gadgets that have a 3.5 mm Jack connector.

Features of Xiaomi Piston

Headphones have a lot of advantages, these include:

  • The manufacturer uses an exclusive development of sound enhancement;
  • The accessory is supplied in a stylish, compact package;
  • Xiaomi Piston Mi headphones have an attractive design that can complement and highlight the image of its owner;
  • Made from high quality materials;
  • Optimal quality at an attractive price!

Xiaomi Piston headphones have a comfortable shape, designed taking into account the structural features of the auricle. This is one of the few options that does not cause discomfort during operation. A set of additional ear pads allows you to choose the ones most suitable for your ear size. The headphones do not fall out and do not cause pain, as often happens when using “pills”.

It’s quite easy to buy Xiaomi Piston headphones in Moscow – this purchase will live up to your expectations. After all, as soon as the accessory is in your hand, it becomes clear that it is reliable, comfortable to use and durable. The “pistons” are made of aluminum alloy, which is resistant to deformation, scratches and other defects. The device’s cord has the optimal length, so it’s convenient to listen to music or talk with a caller even if the smartphone is in your trouser pocket. The Piston cord has a reliable Kevlar braid, which greatly increases its strength. This solution allowed us to avoid constant tangling - the cord can withstand serious loads!

Ease of use at a high level!

Xiaomi Piston Youth Edition headphones and other models are equipped with a control panel. With its help you can perform the following actions:

  • Accept or reject an incoming call;
  • Make the sound higher or lower when playing music/conversation;
  • Pause a musical composition.

Thanks to the convex keys on the control panel, finding what you need is not difficult, even in poor lighting.
One of the main advantages of the Xiaomi Piston Youth Edition is high-quality sound, which the manufacturer managed to achieve through the use of new sound transmission technology. The headphone membranes are made of composite materials, which provides crystal clear sound: low, mid, high frequencies - there is everything you need to enjoy listening to your favorite tracks.

You can buy Xiaomi Piston headphones in the online store at an affordable price. We offer only original products from Chinese manufacturers, professional advice and prompt delivery!

Mi Headphones Pro or Xiaomi Hybrid- these are new ones from Xiaomi with incredibly high-quality sound, but at the same time at the same affordable price as the rest of Xiaomi equipment.


  • metallic color
  • type with reinforcement and dynamic emitter
  • resistance 32 Ohm
  • frequency range 20 Hz - 20 kHz
  • rated power 5 mW
  • there is a remote control
  • cable length 1.25 meters
  • weight 14 grams without packaging
  • nozzles XS/S/L

Video review of Xiaomi Mi In-Earphones Pro (Xiaomi Hybrid)

The main feature of Mi Heaphones Pro

Xiaomi has made cool headphones that have two types of emitters at once - reinforcement and dynamic. This design will allow Mi Heaphones Pro (Xiaomi Hybrid) to sound equally cool at high, low and mid frequencies. We offer brief information about the types of emitters in headphones for a deeper understanding of the design of Mi Heaphones Pro.

Dynamic headphones

This is the most common type of headphones, which have good sound, simple design and at the same time an adequate price. Almost all manufacturers have dynamic headphones in their arsenal.

The operating principle of dynamic headphones is simple; they use the electrodynamic principle of signal conversion. The design is simple - there is an emitter and a membrane to which a coil of wire is attached, located in the magnetic field of a permanent magnet. If alternating current is passed through it, the magnetic field created by the coil will interact with the magnetic field of the permanent magnet, as a result of which the membrane will move, repeating the shape of the audio frequency electrical signal.

The electrodynamic method of signal conversion has many disadvantages and limitations, but the constantly improving design of such headphones and new materials make it possible to achieve very high sound quality.

Armature headphones

Source Wikipedia

Headphones with a balanced armature or as they are popularly called armature headphones They can boast of higher quality sound, but at the same time they have a complex design and are expensive.

The armature is a metal plate similar to the letter “P”, around which the voice coil is located. Anchor suspended ( balanced) in such a way that its movement is possible only around an axis passing through the center of that part of it that is inside the magnetic field. Electrical signals cause oscillations in the magnetic field, as a result of which the armature rotates back and forth around its axis, transmitting force through a special lever to the membrane, which as a result produces sound waves.

In appearance, these headphones usually differ from others by having a more elongated shape in the direction of the sound channel, cylindrical or slightly flattened.

Due to the absence of distortions inherent in conventional membrane headphones due to the inhomogeneity of the field in the travel space of the membrane, as well as the influence of the mass and elasticity of the membrane itself (which, in the case of a balanced armature, is compensated by the relatively large mass of the armature itself), the reproduction accuracy of headphones with a balanced armature is much higher than that of dynamic headphones.

Despite the good accuracy of sound transmission, the operating frequency range of a single balanced armature sound driver is usually worse than the frequency range of a dynamic sound driver. This problem can be solved by adding additional emitters, including dynamic ones - this is exactly what Xiaomi did in the case of Mi Heaphones Pro. (based on Wikipedia).

In this way, Xiaomi combined transmission accuracy and sound quality over the entire frequency range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz.

Contents of delivery

The headphones are supplied in a stylish white cardboard box with a transparent insert through which you can see Xiaomi Hybrid. Inside there are headphones in a special foam block, and in an additional white box there are 3 sets of black silicone tips for different ear sizes.

1 of 5

Thus, the headphones have 4 pairs of tips in total. This completes the package, nothing more.

Design and appearance

The headphones have a unique design; they are made in the form of a cylinder from which channels with silicone tips emerge.

The Mi In-Earphones Pro headphones use high-quality materials: aluminum cups, medical silicone on the tips, copper wire and Kevlar braid.

It is noteworthy that although the 1more studio is responsible for the design, the Mi In-Earphones Pro are not similar to any previous Xiaomi headphones. They look amazing, very stylish and modern. Despite their impressive appearance, the headphones are lightweight, they weigh only 14 grams and are not felt at all in the ears.

Remote Control

The Xiaomi Mi In-Earphones Pro headphones have a 3-button remote control, the same as in other headsets from Xiaomi. It is compatible with all Xiaomi smartphones, and also works with popular Android models and Apple devices.

Compared to Piston 3 Youth Edition headphones

The remote control is located on the wire of the right earphone; in addition to the volume control and play/pause keys, there is also a microphone for conversations. The user can be heard perfectly, the microphone can be used.

Sound and sound

The main feature of these headphones is, of course, the sound, and here it is excellent. Of course, it is difficult to describe in words the sound, which in itself is a personal impression, but subjectively it is better than in Earpods, Piston 3 and.

The whole secret of Mi Heaphones Pro is that the headphones use two types of emitters. The sound is very clear, the headphones do not choke at maximum volume. Xiaomi Hybrig has good bass; the headphones are perfect for listening to both electronic and rhythmic music. I would especially like to note their ease of wearing. The headphones do not pull on the ear, they do not get tired even after two hours of use.

The first version of the Xiaomi Mi HiFi Headphones was a rather bold experiment for this company. External similarity with some Grado models, good workmanship and rich equipment. The manufacturer announced 50 mm speakers with a beryllium-coated membrane. The acoustic design of the first generation model is semi-open. This is what caused the most criticism. Some listeners didn't like the sound of the headphones either.
The manufacturer listened to the criticism, and the second version was released with a closed acoustic design. The speakers are now with a graphene membrane. This probably increased the cost of the headphones, and the equipment is now not so rich.
The build quality of the headphones is still excellent, but I’ll tell you about the sound character in my review.

The headphones arrived in a thick cardboard box. The weight of the box alone is 400 g.
And if you consider that there is a case and headphones inside, then the whole package turns out to be quite weighty.
Box dimensions 208x176x90 mm.
The company has long moved away from packaging goods in an ecological style. The box is quite representative, with good printing, and was tightly wrapped in film. The view is quite presentable.

On the back of the box the information is mostly in Chinese.

Technical specifications in English are presented in a very brief form.

There is a cover inside the box. The synthetic fabric is quite easily soiled and was immediately a little dusty.
Case length 177 mm, width 141 mm, height 83 mm.

The cover closes with a zipper and a branded hook.

Under the cover in the box there was a brief instruction.


To get to it you need to pull out the cardboard insert.

Instructions in three languages.

That's all the content in English.
How to fold the headphones and the functions of the button on the remote control. Nothing has been written about warming up with “white noise”)))

We open the case and we can see the headphones themselves and additional accessories.

Judging by the niche for the headphones, they can only be folded in one, strictly defined way.

These are the included accessories.

Adapter from mini-jack 3.5 mm to jack 6.3 mm.

"Airplane" double for headphones.

Cable. Length 140 cm.

Plug housing made of anodized aluminum. Gold plated contacts. A steel spring is used as protection against strong bending.

Cable diameter 3.1 mm.

The splitter is also a remote control for the headset. The case is metal, dimensions 37x10.2x5.5 mm.
In the middle there is a single button and two plastic inserts. The button is pressed clearly, with a click.

There is a microphone hole on the back wall of the remote control.

After the remote control, the cable is no longer braided. Silicone coating. The length of the bends is small, only 21 cm.
The cable is connected to the headphones using 2.5 mm micro-jack plugs. The contacts are gold-plated, there is a color indication of the channels: right - red, left - white.

The headphones themselves, when folded, take up quite a bit of space.

The edging of the hinges is metal and despite the frivolous golden color, it looks reliable.

We unfold the headphones into working condition and see that Xiaomi has designed this model in golden and black tones.

Most domestic users do not like the golden color, and for them this color will be a significant drawback.
I'm comfortable with the golden color. Moreover, I don’t wear full-size headphones outside; I only use them at home.
These headphones are definitely for those who love bright colors. The cups are made of pale gold metal, decorated with perforations through which the red base is visible. You might think that the holes are part of the open acoustic design, but this is just decoration.

It's time to adjust the headband size.

The headband is extendable and adjustable using a steel arc hidden inside.
Plate width 15 mm, thickness 1.5 mm. The construction looks pretty solid.

Many reviewers like to write that the headphones will fit any head. But these are wild fantasies. My head circumference is 60 cm and the arches have to be extended all the way.

The headband is covered with high-quality leatherette.
The MI logo is printed on top. There is neat stitching of orange thread along the edges.

On the inside of the headband there is a soft pad made of elastic material similar to the touch of foam rubber.

Side view.

Cup diameter 60 mm. Made from anodized aluminum. On the bottom of the cups is the inscription Mi Headphones Graphene Driver. 1 MORE DESIGN
The inscription is painted in white paint, without any blemishes. It looks a little dirty in the photo.

The ear pads of the headphones are made of the same leatherette, very similar to real leather. The filling inside is quite soft.

The speakers are covered from the inside with a textile mesh. There are channel markings on it.

The ear pads are removable. Just turn it counterclockwise.

This is what a 50mm speaker with a graphene membrane looks like.

Connect the cable to the headphones. The plugs do not have any additional fixation. Only regular micro-jack connectors.

Let's start testing.
I’ll say right away that there were no problems with the volume of the headphones on all sources. Since the impedance is small - 32 Ohms, this is not surprising.
I listen to music mainly from iPods. I have xDuoo X2 and Xuelin iHiFi 770C.
I listened to test collections AUDIO TEST CD. As well as pop and dance music in flac and mp3 formats.

For $100 headphones, I expected crystal clear highs, rich, tight mids, and rich, luscious lows. So what if they sound equally good on any source? I was somewhat deceived in my expectations.
There are no problems with tall ones. The middle is not very well felt, but no noticeable dips are heard. The declared Hi-Res is audible – the detail is excellent, you can easily distinguish the sounding instruments. But the problem is with the lower classes. I don't have enough of them on any source. Maybe I'm a basshead, but when instead of a double bass line in a well-known composition you hear sluggish rattling, it's wrong, isn't it?
On the xDuoo X2 player, the headphones sound somewhat harsh on recordings with imperfect quality. When listening to the test collection, this problem is not felt, but I would like to add some bass. However, the built-in equalizer with only a few presets does it a disservice. The added lows sound unnatural and do not bring joy.
So, for me personally, the xDuoo X2 didn’t work well with the headphones.
Things are much better with the Xuelin iHiFi 770C player. I didn't like the sound on the stock firmware, so I installed Rockbox. And there are many sound settings. I raise the bass level by 5 and sometimes 10 dB. Of course, to evaluate the headphones, I listened to them without the added bass. But I didn't really like it. And with raised bottoms it is very pleasant to listen to music. In calm melodic music, all instruments can be heard. But very energetic dance music is not possible for headphones, due to the lack of sub-bass, there is not enough drive and pressure.
Since the headphones are positioned as a headset, they are more intended for listening to music from a smartphone.
I listened on Asus Zenfone Max, Xiaomi Mi Max and Xiaomi Mi5.
Although Asus has a full-fledged equalizer, it is difficult to achieve really good sound, like on the xDuoo X2 player.
But Xiaomi smartphones have a “magic” equalizer with ready-made presets for branded headphones.

I didn’t hear any difference between Xiaomi Mi Max and Xiaomi Mi5. The sound of the headphones in the first seconds is amazing. Very wide stage, amazing sound detail for a smartphone. But you listen a little longer and realize that something is missing. Nizov (
The stock player does not have custom equalizer settings. And I don’t want to lose the wonderful sound from the branded preset either. Therefore, I didn’t even try to install a third-party player.
Therefore, you have to accept that you won’t really listen to driving dance music on a smartphone. But you can get real pleasure from light instrumental and vocal genres.
Now I'll try to compare with other headphones I have.
Direct competitor to Takstar HD6000. Of course, the comparison is not entirely correct. Takstar are full-size headphones, and Xiaomi Mi Headphones are on-ear, but at least both are closed-type.

I wrote a review about them before, let me remind you of my verdict. I really liked the Takstar HD6000, but the sound detail and bass were not enough.
Compared to them, Xiaomi headphones have noticeably better detail, but even less low-end. In general, I like Takstar headphones better, the sound is softer and more musical. And if you remember that they cost around $50-60...
There are also a couple of inexpensive headphones: REMAX 200HB and Koss Porta Pro.

And here I would like to say a few words about the multimedia use of Xiaomi headphones. You can watch movies and play games, but the pleasure is not complete. Since there are no effects in the style of “bang-bang!” you won't hear. The Remax headphones have everything in order with bass, so when comparing, the contrast is very strong. But if we return to listening to music, the sound after Xiaomi in Remax seems unintelligible and “dirty”.
There is nothing special to say about Koss Porta Pro, they sound pleasant, very musical. I haven’t listened to them for a long time, they were on the shelf. Compared to some in-ear headphones, they didn't sound very good, so I abandoned them. And what’s most surprising is that they cost $25 and, when directly compared with their larger brothers from Xiaomi and Takstar, are by no means lost against their background. They sound just a little simpler, but the pleasure from music is no less. Still, with a multiple increase in price, the sound quality of the headphones improves only by a few percent.
Sound quality seems to be sorted out. Let's talk about usability.
The headphones weigh 233 g.
The weight is average, not heavy, but not light either.

Took a photo on my nephew. He is about 170 cm tall, corresponding to the average user.

The size of the headphones suits him well. The headset control unit hangs quite low.
And with my head size, the headband puts a little pressure on top. The remote control on the cable turns out to be located a little high, it’s better to talk through the microphone, but just walking around with headphones is a little inconvenient.
And since the ear pads are overhead, the ear does not fit inside, miracles do not happen - after a couple of hours, the ears get tired of the pressure and begin to sweat.
I read about 15 text reviews and watched 10 videos about the first headphone model. Let me try to list the differences between the models from memory. He said right away about the differences in acoustic design and membrane material. The appearance of the headphones themselves has changed - there was a mesh on the cups, and now there is perforation. The designation of the channels inside the ear pads has changed. The color of the stitching on the headband has changed. The cable doesn't seem to have changed.
Equipment. Previously there was a hard case, lined with leatherette and a soft bag. Now only a case covered with fabric.
And most importantly for ease of use and sound perception, the previous model had three pairs of interchangeable ear pads. Most reviewers liked the large, full-size ear pads. For some, foam (velor) attachments. The medium leatherette nozzles turned out to be just an average pass-through option. And in the second version of the headphones, they are the only ones included in the kit, there is no choice. True, the ear pads are not exactly the same; previously they had perforated covering and the filling was of a different density.
So, perhaps with different attachments, I would have heard a different sound. I wonder if the mounts from the attachments of the first version are suitable for the cups of the second. You could try listening then.
Summing up result, I want to answer two questions.
1. Are Xiaomi headphones good? I will answer - yes.
Made of very high quality. The sound will please fans of detail (but will upset bassheads).
2. Are headphones worth the money? (At the time of writing the review, approximately $100.) My answer is no.
Takstar HD6000 cost $50-60 and produce approximately the same sound quality. Let's throw in another $10 for the metal parts of the case and, in my opinion, an adequate price for them is $70-80.
I cannot recommend headphones for purchase. Not because they are bad, but simply very ambiguous and it is difficult to say whether you will like them or not. In general, buying headphones based on reviews on the Internet is still a lottery (look at my review of the vaunted Takstar Dulcimer).
And finally, I’ll throw some firewood ;). Today I read several more reviews about the first version and there the authors warmed up the headphones. I don’t believe in heating, but the procedure is free and I still tried to warm them a couple of evenings after receiving them. The sound remained the same ringing.
I would like to express my gratitude to Anatoly KurukuOrg for providing Koss Porta Pro for testing and help with firmware for the Xuelin iHiFi 770C player on Rockbox.

The product was provided for writing a review by the store. The review was published in accordance with clause 18 of the Site Rules.

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